b-b.by .  : , . , .3, .3.   email  
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Dolby Digital

  Andrew "Dolby Digital

" "

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Dolby ProLogic
Dolby ProLogic - . 4 , (, LD DVD-). 4 . ( 1- ), ( ). - , , .

Dolby Digital (-3)
Dolby Digital (-3) - . . 6- (5+1) , 4- . . . (DVD-). , DVD- , ( , ..).

DTS - . Dolby Digital, .

- , . ­ (). , , , ( , DVD-, , ) .

Ultra 2
Ultra 2 - , DTS Dolby Digital. , . Ultra 2 7 , Surround-, Dolby Digital 5.1 DTS 5.1. , 5.1 DVD-Audio SACD Dolby ProLogic II - - Dolby Surround- 5.1 : Movie/Music.

DTS Neo:6
DTS Neo:6 - , 6 2- , . , Dolby ProLogic II, : , , (, ), , 2- , -.

DTS-ES Matrix 6.1
DTS-ES Matrix 6.1- Neo:6 , 2 L R . .

DTS-ES Discrete 6.1
DTS-ES Discrete 6.1 - , 6 , .

, ­ . DTS-ES Dicscrete 6.1. 5.1- DTS- , , 5.1- .

DTS-ES Matrix 6.1.

DVD-Audio DVD-Video. 48 /96 /192 ( 44.1 /88.2 ) 16 24 , 0 100 ( - 96 ) 144 ! (, CD 0-22.5 , 96 .)

DVD-Audio .

SACD (Super Audio CD)
SACD (Super Audio CD) - , 2.8224 DSD (Direct Stream Digital). SACD : 0 100 , 120 .

SACD , CD-. "

: sergey [17/05/2008]

·  sergey

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: 2.75
: 4

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